Need for Speed? Supercharge Your AV Technology Deployments!

Oct 12, 2023 | Industry News


Need For Speed? Supercharge Your AV Technology Deployments!


Built better, stronger, faster. Are you ready to accelerate every collaboration space design and installation? We can help you do that.

Companies who are reimagining their global standards for interactive spaces with hybrid technologies are discovering they may be nimble – but often availability, delivery and other trades are not. This can create long timelines between proposal and delivery.


Discover the transformative service of Salamander, where quality technology furniture is designed and delivered fast and flawlessly.

Where you get it in weeks, not months. Where customized huddle stations, tables and credenzas to suit your needs and space require fewer trades. And, where most display and conferencing systems are construction free, eliminating significant down time.


The fastest premium furniture lead times in the industry – many pieces arrive in 2-6 weeks!


Voted Best Manufacturer for Shipping/Delivery per Commercial Integrator Quest for Quality